Currently reading

Temptation (Club Destiny, #2)
Nicole Edwards
The Male Brain
Louann Brizendine

Avoiding Responsibility

Avoiding Responsibility  - K.A. Linde Okay, so here's what you need to know:

Bekah ohhhh she is a whole special kind of a b***h.


In the end she got what she deserved! So evil.


Jack if I were to meet him in person I would probably spit in his face and kick him in the shins (pissed off granny style). Seriously. He is just so detestable, despicable, arggh he makes me sick.



Lexi well, Lexi..she is somewhere in between..I am just glad that she was able to make the right choice for once and that she was able to truly see and accept her past mistakes. It was nice that she was working toward not repeating the same mistakes, but still some things she did..


Ramsey Even after two books, I still don't like the name. But I absolutely adore the man wearing it. He is just downright delectable. True, he made mistakes, but he made it up to Lexie and to be honest, his intentions weren't really bad or malicious, he just had the less likable approach to some situations. I like his strong, independent character, his charming and noble personality.




Chyna is just Chyna, gotta love that crazy chica :)


Overall I rate this novel with 3-3.5 stars, and that is just because of Ramsey (even if we all know he deserves waaaay more), otherwise I would rate it with 2*.